Why is music important for your kids?
Music participation provides a unique opportunity for literacy preparation.
Whether the children are singing, playing, or listening, teachers direct them to listen and hear in new ways which exercises their aural discrimination. Playing instruments and adding movement to the lessons teaches children about sequential learning which is essential in reading comprehension.
Plato once said that music “is a more potent instrument than any other for education”. You will find many teachers of young children who would agree with him. Recent research has found that music uses both sides of the brain, a fact that makes it valuable in all areas of development. Music affects the growth of a child’s brain academically, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Music is physical. Music can be described as a sport. Learning to sing and keep rhythm develops coordination. The air and wind power necessary to blow a flute, trumpet or saxophone promotes a healthy body.

Music is emotional. Music is an art form. We are emotional beings and every child requires an artistic outlet. Music may be your child’s vehicle of expression.
Music is for life. Most people can’t play soccer, or football at 70 or 80 years of age but they can sing. And they can play piano or some other instrument. Music is a gift you can give your child that will last their entire lives.
Our strength is our expert team of musicians.
Noni Demetriou
Piano, Classic Guitar, Song Coach
Studies in Greece, with 18 years of experience. Member of many greek group bands.
Antri Nestoros
Piano, Classic Guitar Coach
Playing Guitar since the age of 8. Studies in the UK specializing in Guitar, Piano and Music Theory.
Barbara Louca
Violin teacher and coach
Studies in Greece. Won many music competitions in Athens and has served as member of the state band (ERT)
Theodora Mesolora
Violin and Music Theory teacher and coach
Plays music since the age of 7. Experienced in violin and music theory. Has taken part in many music groups in Greece.
Kypros Kolios
Bouzouki Coach
Many years of experience in teaching bouzouki. Has taken part in bands of well-known greek artists.
Ioanna Andreou
Piano, Voice Coach, Music Theory Teacher
Music Studies in Cyprus and Greece. Teaches voice coaching at many music schools in Limassol. Prize winner in many song contests in Cyprus.
At our music school all teachers share our passion and love for teaching and coaching students.
We offer training courses in all musical instruments, in classical or modern songs and teach music theory. There is also a Musical Workshop for kids aged 4-7. Our students can sit exams for University Entry and also sit for the Mousikoi Orizontes School of Music in Greece, The Trinity College of London and the Royal colege of London.